Distinguished Alumni Hall of Honor


The Distinguished Alumni Hall of Honor was established as part of the college’s 50th anniversary celebration for the purpose of recognizing deserving WCC alumni for their contributions to education, business, and civic organizations, 以及他们从大学毕业以来所取得的成就.  Nominations will be taken annually. 


 Please contact the WCC Educational Foundation at (276) 223-4771 with any questions related to nominations.

WCC Alumni Hall of Honor

2014 Inductees

alumni inductees 2014

Pictured are (front row, left to right) June M. Mitchell, Dr. Carolyn Widner Ward, Sandra K. Thomas, and Rita K. Key; (back row, left to right) Dr. Dennis R. 斯罗克莫顿,WCC主席查理·怀特(颁奖人),C.M. Mitchell, Jr., Kenneth Wm. Heath, Robert T. Gordon, Dr. Richard G. Copenhaver, and J. Michael Burris. 

Joseph Michael “Mike” Burris attended WCC from Grayson County and earned his Associate’s Degree in business administration in 1972.  He completed his education with a B.S. from Virginia Tech in 1975. Burris后来成为了一名注册会计师.  He lives in Charlottesville and is the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Blue Ridge Region for Sentra Healthcare, 包括森特拉玛莎·杰斐逊医院和森特拉RMH医疗中心.

Dr. Richard G. Copenhaver 最初作为怀斯县的居民参加WCC, 他于1975年完成了WCC的牙科助理证书.  Copenhaver then earned a B.S. 1977年从老道明大学获得口腔卫生学博士学位,并获得博士学位.D.S. from MCV-VCU in 1984.  Copenhaver is a dentist at Drs. Campbell, Throckmorton and Copenhaver, D.D.S., P.C. 他也是WCC奖学金基金会理事会的主席.

 Robert T. Gordon 是布兰德县的居民吗, 他于1985年获得工商管理副学士学位.  Gordon also received a B.S. 1987年在雷德福大学获得工商管理硕士学位.S. 1990年在弗吉尼亚理工大学获得人力资源管理和劳资关系专业学位.  Gordon serves as Manager of Human Resources, Processes, and Employment Practices for Lowe’s Companies, Inc. in Mooresville, NC. 

 Kenneth Wm. Heath attended WCC from Smyth County, and he earned an Associate’s Degree in communication arts in 1984.  希思在东田纳西州立大学继续他的学业,获得了B.A. in communication.  他开始了媒体推广和营销的职业生涯.  Heath now serves the Town of Marion as Director of Economic and Community Development and Executive Director of the Marion Downtown Revitalization Association, Inc.

Rita K. Key was a Grayson County resident when she attended WCC and graduated with her Associate’s Degree in science.  She earned a B.S. mathematics from Radford University and a M.Ed. 弗吉尼亚理工大学课程与教学专业毕业.  She also studied Educational Leadership for Administration and Supervision PreK – 12 at RU.  Key began teaching at Galax High School in 1980 and has taught math, science and physics.  自1984年以来,她一直是WCC的兼职教员.  She is the Assistant Principal at GHS.

Clarence “C.M.” Mitchell, Jr. 最初作为格雷森县的居民参加了WCC, 1968年,他在WCC获得了理学副学士学位.  Mitchell graduated with a B.S. 1971年从弗吉尼亚药学院医学院获得药学学士学位.   Mitchell worked as a pharmacist for many years and is currently the Director of Pharmacy Services at Twin County Regional Hospital.  他自1992年以来一直担任加莱克斯市市长.

 June M. Mitchell 是卡罗尔县的居民吗, 1980年获得心理健康技术副学士学位.   Mitchell also earned a B.A. 1983年从蓝岭基督教学院获得宗教教育学位.  米切尔花了50多年的时间为精神和身体残疾人士奔走呼号.  She began serving as a Human Rights Advocate with the Department of Behavioral Health in 1978 and retired from that position in 1996.

 Sandra K. Thomas 是威斯维尔的居民吗, 1970年,她在WCC获得了理学副学士学位.  Thomas went on to earn a B.S. in biology and general science in 1972 and an M.S. 1976年获得科学教育学位,两人都来自雷德福大学.  1980年,她还获得了俄罗斯国立大学的地球科学证书.  Thomas retired from teaching science courses after 33 years with Carroll and Wythe counties public schools.  她是乔治威斯高中的WCC职业教练. 

 Dr. Dennis R. Throckmorton 是威斯维尔镇的居民吗, 1974年,他获得了理学副学士学位.  He also earned a B.S. from Virginia Tech in 1976 and a D.D.S. from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1980. Throckmorton is a dentist at Drs. Campbell, Throckmorton and Copenhaver, D.D.S., P.C. in Wytheville.  他是WCC教育基金会的副主席.

 Dr. Carolyn W. Ward attended WCC as a resident of Wythe County, 1989年,她获得了通识研究副学士学位.  She earned a B.S. geography from Emory & Henry College and an M.S. in 1994 and a Ph.D. 1998年,弗吉尼亚理工大学的户外娱乐项目.  沃德是弗吉尼亚理工大学的教授和讲师, Humboldt State University, West Virginia State University, and Royal Road University in Canada. 她现在是蓝岭公园大道基金会的首席执行官. 


2013 Inductees

WCC Distinguished Alumni 2013

图为(前排从左至右)Patsy B. Muncy, Dr. Eugenia Larrowe, Judy King Yonce, and Carolyn Lundy King; (back row, left to right) Angela Y. Lawson, R. Edward “Edd” Houck, M. Dwight Shelton, Jr., and Douglas W. Fender.

Douglas W. Fender attended WCC from Grayson County and earned his Associate’s Degree in General Studies in 1981. He completed his education with a B.S. from Radford University in 1983 and an M.S. from Radford University in 1985. Fender then embarked on a career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 1991 until his retirement in 2013.

At the time of his retirement, he was a special agent and senior special bomb technician. 芬德密切参与了反恐活动, 包括五角大楼的911调查, 1996年亚特兰大夏季奥运会百年纪念公园爆炸案, Georgia. He has received numerous awards, including the Combat Theatre Awards from the FBI in 2012 and the Superior Civilian Service Award in 2006 from the U.S. Army. He has been a Scout Master with the Boy Scouts of America and is currently a Salvation Army volunteer.

Senator R. Edward “Edd” Houck originally attended WCC as a resident of Smyth County, and he completed his transfer degree in 1971. Houck earned his B.S. at Concord College in 1973 and his Master of Education from the University of Virginia in 1975.

1973年至1991年,他受雇于Spotsylvania县学校系统, 在此期间,他是一名中学教师和辅导员. In 1992, he joined the City of Fredericksburg school system and served as the Director of Student Services until his retirement in 2007. 从Fredericksburg退休后,他加入Mary Washington Healthcare, Inc .. as Director in the Department of Community Programs, a position he held until this year. 1984年至2012年,Houck还担任Virginia General Assembly的成员, representing the 17th District. He served as chair of the Senate Education and Health Committee and the health and Human Resources Subcommittee. 他是医疗保健联合委员会主席, a member of the Governor’s Commission on Higher Education and the Governor’s Commission on Healthcare Reform.

Carolyn Lundy King 是布兰德县的居民吗, 并于1992年获得护理学副学士学位. She then completed her B.S. 2004年在布鲁菲尔德州立大学获得护理学硕士学位.S. in Nursing at Marshall University in 2009.

King has been a staff nurse at Wythe County Community Hospital and a staff nurse and nursing supervisor at the Bland County Medical Center. She currently serves as a Family Nurse Practitioner at the Bland County Medical Center.

Eugenia A. Larrowe, D.D.S. 她从加莱克斯就读于WCC,并于2004年获得通识学位. She then completed her B.S. 2009年,她在弗吉尼亚理工大学获得硕士学位.D.S. 2013年从弗吉尼亚联邦大学牙科学院毕业. 她目前是一名在加莱克斯工作的家庭牙医.

Larrowe’s community service activities include her membership in the First Baptist Church of Galax; free dental clinic externships in various Virginia locations; the Mission of Mercy Dental Project in Grundy and Wise counties in Virginia; and dental mission trips to Costa Rica from 2006 through 2009.  Larrowe是哥斯达黎加人,小时候随父母搬到了加莱克斯, 谁是对加勒克斯地区西班牙裔人口的“反向传教士”.

Angela Y. Lawson 是怀斯县的居民吗, 她于1977年毕业,获得教师预科教育副学士学位. She earned her B.S. from Virginia State University in 1980, her M.S. from Virginia Tech in 1998, 并于2004年获得弗吉尼亚大学教育专家学位.

Lawson was previously employed by the public school systems in Wythe and Grayson counties and the City of Galax. Prior to joining the administration of WCC as Vice President of Workforce and Occupational and Technical Programs, she was employed at New River Community College as the Interim Vice President of Workforce Development and Coordinator of Career Pathways.

Patsy B. Muncy 她在1974年进入WCC获得护理学位时是布兰德县的居民. She completed her B.S. at Bluefield State College in 1994 and her M.S. at Old Dominion University in 2005.

She was an Intensive Care Unit and Cardiology Care Unit nurse at Wythe County Community Hospital from 1974 until 2005. 从2001年到2005年,她担任兼职教师, 当她全职加入WCC护理学院时.Muncy was the recipient of the 2004 Excellence in Professional Nursing Award presented by Wythe County Community Hospital and she received the 2010 WCC Distinguished Teaching Award.

Millard Dwight Shelton, Jr. 1969年,他从威斯县进入WCC并获得副学士学位. He later earned his B.S. from Virginia Tech in 1971 and his M.B.A. from Virginia Tech in 1983.

他的职业生涯始于Ernst的审计主管 & 1971年至1979年,他在温斯顿-塞勒姆担任该职位. Since 1979, Mr. Shelton has been employed at Virginia Tech. There, 他曾担任审计和管理服务总监, University Controller, University Budget Director, 预算和财务管理副总裁. Since 2008, he has served Virginia Tech as the Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer. 他是Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会的成员, 还有Alpha Psi和Gamma Sigma荣誉兄弟会.

Judy King Yonce was a resident of Wythe County when she graduated from WCC’s Physical Therapist Assistant program in 1988. She studied at Duke University before completing the pastoral study program at Hiwassee College in 2012.

From 1991-94, Yonce是弗吉尼亚物理治疗协会的主席, and she was named the Physical Therapist Assistant of the Year by the Virginia Physical Therapy Association in 1994.Today, she is a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant in Wytheville and the pastor of the Trinity/Mount Olivet Circuit of the United Methodist Church in Pulaski.


Alumni Coordinator 
Wytheville Community College 
1000 East Main Street 
Wytheville, VA 24382
